Brothers and friends doing good deeds

Asa Bement - My great, great, great, great, great, great grandpa's house!
Brian J. Wright - Attorney at Law
Christopher O.B. Wright - Attorney at Law
State of Montana - State Auditor - John Morrison - My Brother-in-law
Kevin Marinacci - Fabretto Childrens Foundation
Laura Lees!
Michael Lynch - Reason Magazine
Tony Pierce -
Jeremy Toback

My Amazon Wish List! Woo Hoo!

Is it my birthday yet?

My baseball cards are for Sale!

Political Parties & Platforms - Exactly where people stand

Libertarian Party Platform
Green Party Platform
Republican Party Platform
Democratic Party Platform
Reform Party Platform
Pat Buchanan on the Issues - Apparently it's not the same as the Reform Party Platform
Politics1 Guide to US Political Parties

The Internet seems like a natural tool for others to say where they stand on the issues, and, indeed, many have - here are some of the more interesting "manifestos" I've turned up.

The 95 Theses of the Cluetrain Manifesto's "Internet Manifesto" - very pithy, but hey, if you've got something to say...
A manifesto for Global Transformation - to be hunter gatherers again? Hmmmm?
The Unabomber's Manifesto - If you haven't read it, then you're not allowed to talk about it!

Other serious, but possibly important, information sources and articles

Nice Work, If You Can Get It (08-31-2001) - The spoils system destroys US diplomacy!
Children Facts - Ten Basic Facts About the World's Children
Globalization and Culture - What exactly is "culture"?
CyberHoax: Political Theater on the Web - Hilarious!
World Socialist Movement Terrorist Attacks in the U.S.A. (btw - I'm not a Socialist)
8-28-95 COVER The Evolution of Despair - A Provoking Essay
Guardian Unlimited Reviews "States of Denial"
Start your "weblog" education at MetaFilter!
Is America decadent?
Independent News describes Los Angeles Sweat Shops
Third World Traveler's Torture Watch
The Perils of Obedience - original insights by the legendary Stanley Milgram
On Bread and Circuses in Pax Americana - The Ethical Spectacle - Mr. Wallace must have read my mind
Vicarious Masculinity - Mr. Fleming's take on the bread and circuses du juor.
Media Watch - Keeping an eye on the fourth estate and its supporters
Los Angeles Population - Ethnic Composition -- Magazine - A Profile of Mother Jones
The Latino Century - More aftermath of the Treaty of Guadalupe
The Historical Dracula - He made Kayser Soze look like a pussycat!

Business Principles, the Web and the New Economy

Do they REALLY care? Use the "We We" Customer Focus Calculator to find out!
Make no mistake, you ARE being watched - the cookies on your computer threaten your privacy!
Top CyberAtlas Internet Stats - Great Stats!
Downside's Deathwatch - A big, but good page summarizing the bubble companies
The $1.7 trillion lesson - another good summary
The Great Internet Money Game - good financial stats
Rules of the software game -
Selling's a pain, but it's all that matters - 50 lessons of the dot bombs!
Failure as a Badge of Honor - Lessons of the "New Economy"
Speak the Language of Business!
Supposedly Annoying Proverbs - I just think they're true!

Good Internet Reference you may not have seen

DoD Almanac
Government and Foreign Affairs Reference from the Virginia Library
UN's Infonation Thumbnail Comparitive Country Profiles
CIA -- The World Factbook
CountryWatch - The World Factbook on Steroids!
America's Major Wars
America's Wars Casualties and Veterans

You are What you Eat!

Put that Burger Down! Read Why
The Cattlemen's Response
"Put that coffee down" - A thumbnail reason to consider the source
I saved some Reuters stories About Sushi
Fear of Sushi in Restaurants is Overblown

It Really Works!

BISSELL Stain Guide - For bachelors who have wall to wall carpeting! :D

Personally, I don't see why deism and humanism are necesarily mutually exclusive - but that's just me!