- Professional Services Listing

Professional Services

Digital Photography

Includes Event Photography in Web (640x480) and Print Formats (1024 x 800), Image Cropping and Preparation for output to the Internet or Hard Copy. In addition, I can host your images on my domain in your own directory, setup your own domain through my hosting partners or FTP to your own server. I can also program self-running slideshows or standard contact sheets for the Web.

Web Design & Promotion

Not technical programming like Flash or Javascript, but an analysis or specification regarding the overall balance and effectiveness of your site. We improve your site's overall effectiveness by reviewing elements such as cobranding, product specification, clear and logical pricing, proper presentation of management, optimal use of keywords, titling and search engine indexing. We measure download times and ensure your site is optimized for your target user platform. We review your navigation system and verify that your functions perform as advertised. All the bells and whistles in the world won't help your cause (in fact, they may hurt you) if the basic foundations of your web prescence are not solid.

Software Sales & Training

The best software in the world will fail in the marketplace unless it is backed by a logical sales and marketing program. Foremost, selling software requires an understanding of the intended user and for higher ticket packages, an anticipation and response for the most common objections. In addition, channel management, the means by which you distribute your product through the marketplace, requires an understanding of the various options available to you from national distributors, local VARs and Resellers, etc. Negotiating favorable agreements with your partners can make or break your success. We can represent your product directly in the local marketplace and over the web or we can provide consulting services to help you create and integrated Sales and Marketing program for your software or hardware package.

Interface & User Testing
These activities best take place in the design and prototyping phase but should also be ongoing alongside the evolution of your website or software package. Results from user groups are often skewed by the influences of participants upon one another. At this stage, effective marketing requires activities such as clickstream analysis, reducing steps in processes and minimizing scrolling. Advanced analysis involves testing bifurcated presentation and comparing results for optimization.

Research and Writing Services

Market Studies:
Do you know everything there is to know about your product? The number of potential buyers in the market, the percentage you can likely sell to and the price they're most willing to pay? Do you know everything you should about your competitors? With over twelve years in the high technology marketplace, we can help you find the answers that will best influence your decisionmaking.

Business Plans:
We can take your entrepenuerial ideas, organize them and present them for maximum impact. Remember, a business plan is not just for the benefit of your prospective partners and investors; a business plan should be viewed as a living document which forces you to constantly define your objectives, prospects and forecasts. No business is too small for a business plan, whether you are applying for a loan or just trying to take your business to the next level.

Technical Documentation:
The orphan step child of software publising - your product will fail if your users can't understand your documentation or you've left out a vital step. We work directly with your programmers to translate your product's functions into language and direction that every user should be able to understand.

Please call or email for a free quote on any one or combination of the above services. Current rates are $250 per day per person plus expenses with a one day minimum. Marketing representation may involve signing our standard Marketing Representation Agreement.

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